Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I have been remiss in my blogging duties. My only excuse is that I haven’t really felt like doing it. I know it’s lame, but there it is.

There is actually quite a lot of stuff going on right now. Summer has finally come and slapped us all in the face. It’s so hot! And yet, I love it. It certainly makes running a little more uncomfortable, but that’s about it. The roads are clear. People go on vacation so traffic is rarely as bad as it has been the last 8 months. I can go outside without a jacket. The world, and my skin, has color again. It’s all good!

Anyway, today’s blog is going to be about golf. I personally don’t love golf. I do not think it counts as a sport. Come on, they don’t even carry their own clubs! The only physical activity involved is wandering around and trying to find your ball and then swinging a club at said tiny little ball. Please.

This isn’t to say that golf is not a game of skill. I acknowledge that it’s difficult and pretty much miraculous. I am not denying that fact. I cannot understand how anyone can get a hole in one. I have only been golfing once in my life, but that was all the experience I needed to measure its difficulty.

Today was the Sorenson’s Champions Challenge at Thanksgiving Point. My company is a sponsor for this event. We have free tickets and some of us even get VIP passes. This is the first year I was able to go to this event. I was excited. I rarely get to spend more than a few minutes during the daylight hours outside on weekdays. I was able to see some big golfing names and I got sunburned. Fun for me!

And I must say that watching golf live is slightly less boring than watching it on TV.

Even so, I think I will stick with mini golf. A round takes about an hour, rather than 4 or 5. Getting less than 6 strokes is possible for someone like me. You don’t have to worry about whether the course has a dress code or not. It’s all around better.

But kudos to those of you who love to watch and play golf. I’ll stick with soccer. You can cheer while the actual playing of the game is going on.

1 comment:

¡Vieve! said...

We should go mini-golfing soon! It's been so long.