Friday, February 15, 2008

I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend...

So, because it was Valentine’s Day yesterday, Gabby and I went out on our annual “date”. It is now our tradition, begun in the year of 2006 by a trip to the Pizza Factory (mmmm…).

Last year we kept the tradition alive by going to La Dolce Vita in Provo. While we were there, some kid proposed to his girlfriend. Ew. If I was proposed to on Valentine’s Day, I would say no; especially if it was at a restaurant. There is nothing more cliché and I hate clichés.

Anyway, last night we decided to switch it up and we had dinner and a movie. Whoah! The planned movie was Step Up 2 The Streets (word!), but I’m an idiot and didn’t buy tickets in advance. It was sold at, as was my second choice Definitely, Maybe, so, we ended up at Jumper.

I was pleased with about three things in the movie: the running time (90 minutes), the special effects (they were pretty cool), and the fact that the guy next to me offered us some Skittles. I don’t particularly like Skittles (we played the Skittles game way too much in High School and I can’t really eat them now), but the thought was great.

Anyway, I do not recommend it. The acting is not good. There were a lot of problems that could have been solved had he just told a few people some key points from the beginning. But then I guess there wouldn’t be much in the way of conflict, ergo any need for the movie. Not to mention, I realize it’s a sci-fi-ish movie, but I still need some things in the movie to be believable. They weren’t.

So, to sum up, Valentine’s Day: good, Jumper: bad.

1 comment:

¡Vieve! said...

I wish I had taken some of the skittles that guy offered.