Thursday, March 6, 2008

It's ReAL now.

In an effort to show the world how nerdy I am (I doubt further proof is needed) I will divulge some information.

I have a word of the day calendar. Actually, I have two word of the day calendars. One is the Merriam Webster word of the day, with definitions; and the other is the word origins calendar. I know its lame, but I love words. I love the history of words. I love using big words to prove how smart I am.

These calendars are very useful. They have taught me such words as octothorp (another word for a number sign) and chary (wary). As well as what klick means when used by the army (a kilometer) and where dibs comes from (a game played by Scottish children where they would say “dibs” when capturing one another’s dibstones). Every day I tear a page off each and learn about two more words.

And now I’m going to make it part of my blog. That way, anyone who reads will increase their nerdiness as well. The English language has nearly one million words, so I have a lot to share. Compare that to less than 300,000 for Spanish and only about 100,000 for French.

Now here is my soapbox moment.

I’m not a curser. Most of the words I use for cursing are not altogether common. I like ones like “Holy Mac!” or ones I hear on TV/movies or read in books. I think my favorite is “blast and double blast” which comes from one of the Thursday Next books by Jasper Fforde. I’m also partial to “ah nerts” which I have heard used on How I Met Your Mother, The Simpsons and It Happened One Night.

I don’t want you to get me wrong. I don’t yell at people for swearing. I don’t groan during a movie every time someone uses language (my friend in high school actually did this). I just don’t choose to use these words myself. With one million words, I think I can come up with something better.

So I’m going to force my words on everyone else.

Today is parsimonious: frugal to the point of stinginess. This is definitely not a word that describes me. I am a fan of stimulating the economy. A great example of this is the purchase of ReAL season tickets, which I got today. 23 days until we use the first one!

1 comment:

¡Vieve! said...

Your nerd is showing.