Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Gabby sent me a most awesome fruit basket today. This is a lovely picture of it. It has strawberries, pineapple, canteloupe and grapes. All of them the best looking fruit you've ever seen, as well as delicious. It's also adorable because it looks like flowers. It was so pretty.
I don't write a lot in my blog.
I feel like a failure. It's just I spend all day at work at my computer and can harldy think of anything to write.
I think it's partly because I am of one mind lately. I think about soccer almost all the time. I am so excited for the season to start (in 24 days). I am sad because we have lost a lot of good guys, but I am also excited for these new ones.
Here's hoping for the best.

1 comment:

¡Vieve! said...

I love that the blog starts off all happy and stuff about those adorable flowers, then does a downward spiral about being a failure. You need a hug. *Hug*