Tuesday, April 1, 2008

No touch-backs!

Gabby, this will die here. You’re my only real bloggity-blog friend.

You're feeling: Good. I just finished breakfast and I’m taking a break from reading my e-mails to do this.

To your left: My plant.

On your mind: Soccer and work.

Last meal included: Breakfast-oatmeal with cinnamon coffee creamer (it’s so good, Gabby!)

You sometimes find it hard to: Apologize.

The weather: It’s really cold out, but I have put my coats away and refuse to wear them anymore.

Something you have a collection of: Snowglobes. Yeah, I’m a nerd.

A smell that cheers you up: Sagebrush.

A smell that can ruin your mood: Stitch’s ears.

How long since you last shaved: I shaved one leg this morning. He he.

Yesterday, The current state of your hair: Down, it’s straight and the ends are curled.

The largest item on your desk/workspace (not computer): Papers. I have stacks of documents that need to be submitted.

Your skill with chopsticks: I’m excellent. We learned how to use them in 9th Grade World Geography.

Which section you head for first in a bookstore: Usually fiction. I don’t like to read much else.

Something you’re craving: I’m so excited for the carb loading and for the meat loading that I will be doing for the race. I am making myself a steak tomorrow and we’re having pasta on Friday.

Your general thoughts on the presidential race: Why is this still going on? What does it even matter? Our personal votes don’t count and our system of electing a president is completely flawed. Whether I vote or not, doesn’t matter. I still will, though, because I want to get assigned jury duty.

How many times you've been hospitalized this year: Zero.

Favorite place to go for a quiet moment: Usually I go for a walk. I can think and I get a little exercise.

You've always secretly thought you'd be a good: Writer.

Something that freaks you out a little: Open sewer grates.

Something you've eaten too much of lately: Sugar.

You have never: Broken a bone.

You never want to: Go to jail.

1 comment:

¡Vieve! said...

I never want to go to jail! We're so alike.